Factors That Determine Your Roof’s Lifespan

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Not all roofs are created equally. At A&A Roofing & Exteriors, we’ve seen everything from high-quality roofs that last 30 years or more to sub-par roofs that leak or fail after only a few years. While there are some elements you cannot control such as harsh storms with high winds or hail, there are some predictable factors that affect the lifespan of your roof. Here are the factors that have the most profound effect on your roof’s lifespan.

1. Workmanship

No matter what materials are used, if your roof was installed by a team that did not have attention to detail and a high level of workmanship, it will not last as long as it should. Quality roofing teams should have years of experience and the latest training on how to properly install the type of roof they are putting on a home or a commercial building.

2. Quality of Materials

It makes sense that the quality of your roof depends on the quality of the materials. Though you will pay more for high-end shingles with a longer lifespan, they will likely end up saving you money in the long run. Quality materials can increase energy savings and will stand up to the elements, reducing the need for repairs and increasing your roof’s lifespan.

3. Climate

The materials used in your roof will expand and contract as the air temperature changes. In the Midwest, our climate goes from very hot in the summer to bitter cold in the winter. This is a lot harder on roofs than climates that have less fluctuation. While you can’t do anything about the weather, you can opt for high-quality materials that are made for our climate.

4. Roof Pitch

There’s a difference between steep roofs and flat roofs when it comes to longevity. Higher-pitched roofs not only have more room for insulation,  but their slope also encourages water and snow to slide off instead of sitting on the surface. This prevents leaking, clogging, moisture, and other problems that can decrease a roof’s lifespan.

5. Ventilation

If your attic is properly ventilated, air can flow through and prevent mold growth and rotting. It can also prevent heat buildup, which leads to the degradation of your roof as well as increases energy bills in the summer. Combining proper ventilation with effective insulation is an effective way of lowering utility costs and prolonging the lifespan of your roof.

6. Proper Maintenance

Having your roof inspected every few years or after a major storm is one of the best ways to prolong your roof’s lifespan. Regular inspections can help roofing professionals identify problems and repair them before they become larger issues that necessitate a replacement. Contact the experts at A&A Roofing & Exteriors to schedule your inspection if you have not had one recently.

Though you cannot control Mother Nature, there are plenty of measures you can take to prolong the life of your roof and ensure your family’s safety and comfort. If you would like to talk to an expert about upgrading your roof or having an inspection to identify potential problems, please reach out to one of our customer service professionals at A&A Roofing & Exteriors.